Languages at Primary
FAQs - Say Yes to Languages 2024/2025
Application to the module is voluntary and is open to all recognised English-medium and Irish-medium primary and special schools, including participants in previous years. Please refer to the “Selection” section of Circular 0042/2024 for details.
The module is available to pupils from 3rd to 6th class inclusive.
Language Selection
Schools can select any modern foreign language of their choice or Irish Sign Language (ISL). We advise schools to consider teaching capacity, school demographics and the availability of teachers/tutors (as required). We also encourage schools to pursue lesser-taught languages where possible..
Say Yes to Languages aims to foster an appreciation for linguistic diversity and inclusion. It is up to schools to decide which language suits their school best and that choice can change from year to year.
Schools are invited to choose one language. However, where there are staff members available to work as teachers for different languages, this could be an option
Please check with the tutor selected if an interpreter is required. If that is the case, please note that we encourage ISL tutors to limit their involvement to the first two sessions. Please contact for further information.
PPLI has developed a variety of resources to support teachers/tutors to deliver the module available here. Training and support will also be provided by PPLI to all participating teachers/tutors.
Grant Funding & Payments
Grant Funding is allocated based on the on the number of participating classrooms as directed on Circular 0042/2024
– 1 classroom, €500
– 2 classrooms, €1000
– 3 classrooms, €1500
– 4 classrooms, €2000
N.B. (Two or more year groups combined in one classroom will count as one unit)
After confirmation of participation in Say Yes to Languages, your school will receive a link via email to a separate Grant Application Form to provide the school’s bank account details.
Schools are responsible for the administration of the grant. Please see the Funding and Payment section of Circular 0042/2024 for further details.
In this case, schools should commit to using part of the grant to fund participation in a language upskilling course for one staff member. Please consult questions under Teachers/Tutors Selection and Language Upskilling for further details.
Organisation & Duration
PPLI will inform you whether your school is selected to participate in Term 1 or Term 2 of the school year.
Schools should commit to deliver the module within the specified timeframe and for the full number of hours, which is 1 hour per participating classroom per week, for a total of 10 hours per pupil/class over 10 weeks.
Schools will be designated to participate in Term 1 or Term 2.
The term dates are as follows:
Term 1: 30/09/2024 to 07/02/2025
Term 2: 24/02/2025 to 13/06/2025
Terms are organised to accommodate the availability of tutors and to facilitate administration.
We cannot guarantee that changes will be accommodated, but please contact in the case of unforeseen circumstances.
The module will run for one hour per week for 10 weeks over one term, but it is up to the teacher/tutor and hosting teacher to decide how best to divide the classes.
Each weekly hour of tuition can be a single, hour-long class or any combination of shorter classes (e.g. two half-hour-long classes) adding up to an hour.
No. Classes must take place during the timetabled school day.
Teachers/Tutors Selection & Language Upskilling
Where feasible, we encourage schools to nominate a registered teacher on staff with some existing level of proficiency in a Modern Foreign Language or ISL. Alternatively, where no member of staff is available to deliver the module, schools may engage visiting teachers/tutors or members of the wider school community
Yes, PPLI can provide lists of tutors in your school’s county and broader vicinity who have expressed interest in delivering the module.
Interested tutors can register by filling out this Expression of Interest Form. PPLI will put them in contact with schools should the need arise.
Where the teacher/tutor is not a member of the teaching staff of the school they will work under the guidance of the class teacher in terms of advice provided in Circular 0042/2018 around Garda Vetting and other child protection requirements.
Classroom teachers are encouraged to collaborate with visiting tutors and participate in the module.
To facilitate collaboration, find our booklet: Tips for Hosting and Visiting Language Teachers on the resources page.
It is the responsibility of schools to ensure Garda Vetting is carried out for all external facilitators in line with Circular 0042/2018
Yes. For re-applying schools where a member of staff will deliver the module, the school is required to allocate a portion of the grant for language upskilling for one teacher on staff. Course opportunities will be made available on the upskilling page of our website. Please see Q7 below in relation to funding for additional staff.
Yes. Funded upskilling opportunities for additional staff members will also be made available. Please refer to the upskilling page of our website for details.
No. Please refer to the upskilling page of our website for details on eligibility.
No. The nominated teacher should be a staff member with an existing level of proficiency in a Modern Foreign Language, regardless of the year group he or she is currently teaching..
Yes, even if a visiting tutor will deliver the classes, funded upskilling opportunities for teachers on staff will still be available. Please refer to the upskilling page of our website for details.
For further queries, please see a full list of FAQs here, or contact