Leaving Cert Language Classes
Leaving Cert Language Classes
Who are Saturday language classes for?
Post Primary Languages Ireland (PPLI) run classes in lesser-taught languages to support students around Ireland to prepare for the Leaving Certificate exams. These classes are funded by the Department of Education and are free of charge for students. Classes are run on Saturdays during school term time.
The classes cover the Leaving Cert course over a two-year period, meaning students should register before they begin 5th year.

New Leaving Cert Languages
Four new curricular Leaving Certificate languages were introduced in 2020. Click on the language below that interests you to access the FAQs.
For general FAQs click here.
For the academic year 2024/25 PPLI will offer classes in Chinese, Japanese, Lithuanian, Romanian, Polish, Portuguese and Russian. Details for 2024/25 classes are listed below.
Chinese Leaving Cert Saturday classes are available to 5th year students in Co. Dublin and Cork city, who will sit their Leaving Cert exams in 2026. An online Chinese class will also be available to students outside of these locations. This class is suitable for beginners.
Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed.
Japanese Leaving Cert Saturday classes are available to 5th year students in Dublin and Cork who will sit their Leaving Cert exams in 2026. An online Japanese class is available to students outside of these locations. This class is suitable for beginners.
Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed.
Lithuanian Leaving Cert Saturday classes are available to 5th year students in Co. Dublin, who will sit their Leaving Cert exams in 2026. A level of proficiency in Lithuanian is required in order to take this class.
Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed.
Romanian Leaving Cert Saturday classes are available to 5th and 6th year students in Co. Dublin, who will sit their Leaving Cert exams in 2025 and 2026. A level of proficiency in Romanian is required in order to take this class.
Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed.
Polish Leaving Cert Saturday classes are available to 5th year students in Dublin, Cork and Galway city, who will sit their Leaving Cert exams in 2026. An online Polish class is available to students outside of these locations. A level of proficiency in Polish is required in order to take this class.
Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed.
Portuguese Leaving Cert Saturday classes are available to 5th year students around Ireland, who will sit their Leaving Cert exams in 2026. This class will take place online. A level of proficiency in Portuguese is required in order to take this class.
Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed.
Russian Leaving Cert Saturday classes are available to 5th year students in Co. Dublin and Galway city, who will sit their Leaving Cert exams in 2026. An online Russian class will also be available to students outside of these locations. A level of proficiency in Russian is required in order to take this class.
Registration for the 2024/2025 academic year is now closed.