Guidance Resources

Broaden your students’ horizons

Guidance Resources

Broaden your students’ horizons

Guidance Resources

Foreign-language skills will be key to the success of Irish industry in the coming years. As non-English speaking countries take a bigger slice of the global economy and Ireland becomes more diverse, languages will give students a distinct advantage. Language learners tend to be better listeners, better able to juggle competing priorities and are more sensitive to diversity.

Click here for a selection of videos which explain how some Irish people have reaped the benefits of language skills in their professional lives. 

Information for Guidance Counsellors

Supporting Modern Foreign Languages at School leaflet

Use this leaflet to help students understand the importance of learning a language, while supporting the development of key skills.

Learn how Languages Connect can support you and your students. 

animation of students sharing the benefits of learning a language through speech bubbles

Skills Linked to Learning a Language Poster

Display this poster to share the many skills and benefits that students can acquire from learning a language.

Studying Foreign Languages Poster

This is a guide to the options available for studying foreign languages at Leaving Certificate level and beyond.

Senior Cycle Information Evening Resource

This presentation covers the value and benefits of foreign language skills, the options available to students wishing to study languages at senior cycle and beyond, and available supports. It can be used in part or in entirety during senior cycle information evenings within your school.

'Languages in My Life' online activity

This activity helps students to reflect on the importance of foreign language skills in their lives and future careers

Languages in my life activity

Secondary School Student Language Learning Supports


Saturday Classes for lesser taught languages are also available with qualified PPLI teachers

Careers Portal

Check out our Careers Portal Online Database of Third Level Language Courses

#ThinkLanguages Event

Get TY students involved with our Event

School Exchange

Introduce a School Exchange to bring the language to life