Work Experience Resources

Work Experience Resources

Work Experience Activity Packs and TY Resources

Help your students make work experience extra beneficial by involving a foreign language. Bring language skills to life at work with our TY and LCA/ LCVP Activity Packs. These Activity Packs give the student an opportunity to explore the role of languages in the world of work. 

Languages in TY, LCA & LCVP Work Experience

This resource compilation provides guidance and activities related to work experience for TY, LCA & LCVP students. 

TY Work Experience - Guidance Resource

This module works in conjunction with the Student Packs and can be used after the students have finished work experience.

TY Work Experience Student Activity Pack

Students will learn and use work-related words and phrases in their chosen foreign language. They will explore the importance of foreign languages at work and understand and connect with other cultures in the workplace

LCA & LCVP Work Experience Student Activity Pack

Students will become aware of diversity in the workplace and be encouraged to reflect on how important languages might be in their future careers.