Working with Languages videos

Working with Languages videos

Foreign languages can open doors to many different opportunities throughout a person’s career. Employers need people who are adaptable, resilient, and good communicators. Learning languages provides all these skills and so much more. Hear some real-world case studies where Irish people have reaped the benefits of language skills in their professional lives.

Megan McEvoy

Dancer | Speaks Spanish

Dr. Fergal Donnelly

European Commission

Hugh Cooney

Entrepreneur | Speaks Chinese

Katie Walsh

Beauty Therapist | Speaks French

Edel Carleton

Embassy of Japan | Speaks Japanese

Patrick Cadwell

Lecturer | Speaks Japanese

Shane Sargeant

Dept of Foreign Affairs

Sinéad Ní Gháirbhith

Business Owner | Speaks German+

Sharon Carty

Opera Singer | Speaks German

Fiona Uyema

TV Cook & Author | Speaks Japanese

Donal Kennedy

European Parliament

Ian McKinley

Rugby International | Speaks Italian

Niamh Cacciato

Solicitor | Speaks Italian

David McInerney

Garda | Speaks Spanish & Arabic

Laura Glendon

Software Support | Speaks German

Ciarán MacSamhráin

Engineer | Speaks French