#ThinkLanguages Celebrations at Primary
Primary School Opportunities in #ThinkLanguages Celebrations
#ThinkLanguages Week takes place in post primary schools from the 18-22 November with TY students from right across Ireland coming together in a national celebration of languages and cultures, enjoying inspirational talks, fun language-filled workshops and lots more. To really bring languages to life, students are encouraged to get the whole community involved in their #ThinkLanguages festival.

Participating #ThinkLanguages schools are also being encouraged to visit a nearby primary school, particularly those involved in Say Yes to Languages, the primary language module also taking place in schools nationwide. This is a fantastic opportunity to foster a lifelong love for languages and cultural exchange among pupils and students, as well as primary and post-primary schools.
Say Yes to Languages introduces primary school students to new languages, laying a strong foundation for their future learning. The increasing interest in foreign language learning at primary level has been bolstered by the release of the Primary Curriculum Framework which incorporates modern foreign languages (MFL).
TY students celebrating #ThinkLanguages Week can reach out to any of the local schools taking part in Say Yes to Languages, and get involved in some language learning for the pupils during #ThinkLanguages week. This can be something as simple as teaching and performing a song in another language, hosting a story time through a different language, or telling pupils stories of any cultural exchanges the TY students may have participated in. A TY student may wish to share a particular tradition from their own culture that the primary pupils would enjoy.
Over 640 schools are currently participating in Say Yes to Languages in term 1, which runs for 10 weeks. To find out more about Say Yes to Languages as well as which primary schools are taking part in your area visit here.
Interested primary schools can find out more about #ThinkLanguages as well as what post primary schools are involved this year, here. Perhaps reach out and ask for a student to come visit!