In March 2019, Languages Connect took attended the TYTPN Annual Conference in Athlone to not only promote the value of learning languages but to also introduce TY stakeholders to the languages strategy and its future importance.
There were approximately 100 attendees from all 4 corners of the country and we were delighted to welcome many TY Coordinators to our stand to listen to news and collect new material produced by Languages Connect for TY students.
We reminded coordinators to book a place for their TY students for the #ThinkLanguages languages fair for TY students on 6th December once registration opens in September. #ThinkLanguages was a successful event held last year at Dublin Castle and we are looking forward to welcoming new TY students to this year’s event which is to be held at the Convention Centre. It is a superb day out packed with fun activities.
We also publicised the forthcoming TY Work Placement activity pack ‘Working with languages’, which will be available later in the year for TY students. The School Exchanges
How To-manual, which gives practical information about how to organise an exchange, and careers sheet for students were also of interest to delegates. PPLI has also produced a fact sheet for parents with information about why parents should encourage their children to study languages. Of note are the TY language modules that the PPLI offers in Japanese, Russian and Korean TY language modules.
Do get in touch if your students are interested.
There were travel and tour companies also exhibiting, so scope for incorporating languages into TY.
For any of the schools striking for climate action on 15 March, you will be delighted to know that there wasn’t a single-use disposable plastic bottle in sight, instead there were big glass drink dispensers with water and glasses.
Our thanks to TYTPN for a great day, we look forward to working with you again in the future.