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Opportunities for English Language Assistants across Europe

Have you ever thought about teaching English abroad? The English Language Assistant Scheme could send you to Spain, Italy, France, Austria, Germany or Belgium this September for the full school term! Your role as an ELA would be to help teachers in the classroom and show pupils how a foreign language can be put to use in real life. The deadline for applications is March 7th, for further information on how to apply click here.

The basic duties of the assistant are:

  • to assist the regular staff of the school either in Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels
  • to conduct conversation classes in English
  • to supplement such classes by exercises in reading, dictation and oral composition / written composition
  • to give pupils an insight into the way of life in Ireland.

The six countries referred to above also select applicants from their own country who want to serve in Irish schools on the same basis as Irish assistants serve in these countries.

Conditions of the Post of English Language Assistant

The assistant is normally employed for 12/16 hours per week for one academic year. Outside the stated 12/16 hours of work the assistant is left free, subject of course to the usual discipline of the school. There is ample opportunity for personal studies. It may sometimes be possible for the timetable to be adjusted so as to allow long weekends or days free for travel or attendance at university or other courses.

Please be aware that the English Language Assistant Programme is a competitive process and candidates may only apply for a post in one country.

Further information

For further information please click here or email

Due to the current situation with COVID-19 we ask you visit  and  to keep informed of the situation as we cannot answer any queries in relation to travel etc.