New Leaving Cert Sample Papers
Language Exam Papers published by the SEC
The State Examinations Commission has published sample papers and other materials for the four new curricular Leaving Certificate languages (Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese). This material can be accessed at
Curriculum specifications and guidelines for student language portfolios can be found at
For more information, visit our dedicated pages for Senior Cycle languages at or sign up for our information sessions about curriculum guidelines for new languages.
Languages Connect is organising a series of online information sessions to help students and parents become familiar with the new Leaving Cert curriculum.
These will be held over the coming weeks and we are asking you to register your interest so we can organise a number of sessions based on numbers, language, etc.
Register your interest here for the Polish Information Session.
Register your interest here for the Lithuanian Information Session.
Register your interest here for the Chinese Information Session.
Register your interest here for the Portuguese Information Session.