Exchanges Funding
Exchanges Funding
Applications now open
Foreign Language Exchange funding applications are now open. Schools can apply for grants of up to €15,000 for three years, beginning from the 2023/2024 school year.
Schools organising a new or continuing school exchange are eligible for this once-off one year grant. This grant will be awarded to a small number of schools based on successful applications.

Purpose of Funding for School Exchanges Scheme
• The Funding for School Exchanges Scheme is part of an awareness raising campaign and focusses language teachers on the importance and benefits of undertaking a school exchange.
• Exchange experiences provide excellent opportunities for increasing awareness of the value of learning languages.
• Students who are confident in their language skills are more likely to be open to the idea of doing an Erasmus placement if they progress to Higher Education.
• Funding encourages schools that may have issues with funding to run a school exchange. Students benefit from the exchange (improved language skills, new way of thinking, CV, independence, confidence, appreciation of what they have, new friends, experience other culture, experience life with other family, potentially work experience). Teachers also benefit from the exchange (language skills up to date, job‑shadowing/team‑teaching methodologies with exchange teachers in Target Language country).
• Funding offers the possibility to a school of offering a scholarship to a student, who would not otherwise be in a financial position to go on the school exchange.
• Promotion of school exchanges by funded schools is an important aspect of the scheme. All exchanges should have a Student Social Media Leader responsible for posting photos and videos.
How to apply for funding?
Applications are now closed.
See Exchanges Funding FAQs for more information.
Visit our Exchanges section to learn more about school exchanges.