New Summer Language Courses
for Primary Teachers

Summer Courses for Primary Teachers

The Summer Course Programme overview (EPV days-approved courses) for primary teachers has just been published and in an exciting development for language upskilling, a brand new category of course has been added for 2024:   

Language upskilling (including French / German / Spanish and others) in preparation for the introduction of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) as part of the Primary Curriculum Framework for stages 3 and 4 of primary school (NCCA, 2023; Circular Letter 0017/2023)  


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The principal objective of the Summer Course Programme is to advance the teaching, learning, and/or management skills of teachers to bring about improved learning outcomes for pupils. Courses are evaluated based on criteria such as course content, participant learning experience, course management, and reflection of national priorities.

Course providers who may be interested in delivering a language upskilling course can find out more information, and apply, here. (Please note, application deadline is 4pm Friday 1 March