Leaving Certificate Language Classes

Leaving Certificate Language Classes

Saturday Classes 2024/2025

Registration is now open for Leaving Certificate Language Saturday Classes, starting this September.

This registration is for incoming 5th year students who will sit the Leaving Certificate exams in 2026. The Leaving Certificate course will be covered over a two-year period, meaning students should register before they begin 5th year.

June 2023 saw over 1,600 students sit language Leaving Certificate exams in Chinese, Lithuanian, Polish and Portuguese, in what was only the second year of these languages being available as curricular exams.

In addition to these languages, Saturday classes will continue to be offered for Japanese, Russian, Portuguese and Romanian.

Leaving Cert Language Saturday Classes (Instagram Post (Square)) (Facebook Post)

Organised by PPLI and funded by the Department of Education, these classes are available in lesser-taught languages and to students who are unable to access the subjects in their own school timetable. They support students around Ireland to prepare for the Leaving Certificate exams and are available online and in person, depending on the language and location of the class. There is no tuition fee for students and classes take place on Saturdays during school term time. 

For more information on what language classes are available including the level of proficiency required, as well as how to register visit Leaving Cert Language Classes. Registration closes on 30th August 2024. 

Participation in classes is expected for the full two years with a commitment to sit the Leaving Certificate examination.