Language Summer Camps 2024

Language Summer Camps 2024

This summer we are funding heritage language as well as lesser-taught language camps. This will be the sixth year of summer camps funded by Languages Connect. The two-week camps are for post-primary students attending school in Ireland. Summer Camps are an opportunity for heritage language speakers to immerse themselves in their language and culture, while allowing beginners to discover a new language. They support and inspire students through a combination of fun, creativity, and learning.

To implement these summer camps we have another call for coordinators. For more information on how to apply click here.

The deadline for applications to run a summer camp is Wednesday 10th April 2024. 

Chinese summer camp

The fun-filled summer camps typically consist of a mixture of sports, culture and language based activities proving to be of interest to a multitude of students and allowing them to develop their language skills.

Parents and students will be encouraged to book early to avoid disappointment – spaces fill up fast!

Polish Summer Camp

Attendees from last year’s Summer Camps said:

“My favourite activity was Chinese calligraphy, it was new to me and very interesting to learn about it and to write Chinese characters.”

“The wonderful part was being in a comfortable environment with lovely people learning Japanese language and culture.”

I learned a lot about the culture and it makes me want to continue on to learn the language”

“I liked all the team games where we had to work together. I had a lot of fun through out all activities, and I’m really glad that I met new friends.”

For more information and to apply click here.